Sofie Cold-Ravnkilde

After having lived abroad (England, India, Canada) I returned to wonderful Copenhagen where I was born and bred. I know the city like the back of my hand and yet can see it with the eyes of a visitor.

I specialise in tailored tours with a focus on the aesthetic, preferably by foot or bicyle. My favourite tours include cultural history, architecture, information about everyday life here & a culinary experience.

Showing visitors my much-loved squares, parks and architectural details (while avoiding the crowds) is something I never tire of. I will lead you through the cobbled streets of the city centre, any area you desire, or in one of our quality museums.  If you wish to see even more, we could go either West to see the cathedral of Roskilde; East to explore the Swedish city of Malmö; or South to wander the islands & landscapes of rural Denmark.

Apart from guiding, I explore my interest for the aesthetics in photography and micro adventures all over Scandinavia. I also teach future guides + research sustainable tourism at Roskilde University.

Whether or not you choose a tour with me, be sure to simply try coffee in a park – enjoy the Danish joie de vivre!

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